Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2024

agglisti 8o


A duck walks into a pub and orders a ham sandwich and a beer.

The bar man does a double take, and says, "Hang on there, you're a



The duck says, "I see your eyes are working." 


"And you can talk," says the bar man.


The duck says, "You nailed it twice, bub.  So, how about that

sandwich and the beer?"


Barman says, "Yep.  Sorry about that.  Coming right up."  Draws a

pint and gives him the sandwich  "It's just that we don't get many

ducks in this pub, if you know what I mean.  So, what are you doing

around this way?"


"I'm working at the building site across the road," says the duck,

"I'm a plasterer."


The flabbergasted bar man can't believe it, and wants to hear more,

but takes the hint when the duck pulls out a newspaper and begins to

read it.  The duck finishes his sandwich and beer about the same

time he's through reading the newspaper, bids the bar man goodbye

and takes his leave.  The duck repeats the same routine every day

for two weeks.


But then one day, a circus comes to town, and the ringmaster comes

into the pub for a pint.  The bar man says, "Say, you're with that

new circus in town, aren't you."


The ringmaster smiles, and says, "Yes, I am". 


The bar man says, "I know this duck who could be brilliant in your

circus. He talks, eats sandwiches and drinks beer, reads the

newspaper, everything!" 


"Sounds fantastic,"  says the ringmaster, who hands his card over to

the bar man.  "Ask him to give me a call."


So, the next day the duck comes back into the pub and the bar man

says, "Hey, Mr. Duck, I reckon I can line you up with a top job,

earning really good money."


"I'm always looking for the next job," says the duck.  "What do you

got?  Where is it?"


"It's with this new circus that just pulled into town," says the bar



"The circus," repeats the duck.


"That's right."


"The circus!?" the duck says again."With the big tent?"


"Yeah," says the bar man.


"With the big top, and the animals that live in cages, and the

performers that live in caravans, and all the carnies?"


"Of course,," says the bar man.


"And the tents that all have canvas sides, and the roof that has a

hole high up in the middle?" persists the duck.


"That's right," says the bar man.


The duck shakes his head in amazement, and says, "What the hell

would they want with a plasterer?"


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