Τετάρτη 24 Ιουλίου 2024

agglisti 3


Linda had just washed her hair and put some rollers in it,she couldn’t find a hair net so she used a pair of her panties to keep them in place.Meanwhile her 4year old son was watching in fascination,Linda said to her son where lucky there’s nobody else here to see me like this! Just then the door bell rang and the son answered it and it was a salesman,the salesman asked to speak to his mother,the son yelled to his mother take off your panties there’s a man here to see you !!!


Don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat, don't sell drugs... the Government hates competion
I used to date a girl with a lazy

Turns out she was seeing someone else!


I‘m now at the age where the bills come more often than me

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